Frequently asked questions for the Higher Diploma in Midwifery Sponsorship Programme 

Who is the programme for? 

The programme is for Registered General Nurses who want to become midwives.

Midwifery is a rewarding career providing support to women and their families, at pre-conception, during pregnancy, childbirth and up to six weeks after birth.

When does the next programme commence?

The next programme commences in September 2025.

What is the duration of the Higher Diploma in Midwifery Prgoramme? 

The programme is a minimum duration of 18 months consisting of 26 weeks theory and 54 weeks clinical practice.

Who can apply for this programme? 

You can apply for the programme if you are registered in the General Division of the Register of Nurses maintained by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) or are eligible to be so registered at the time of application.

How can I find out if I am eligible to register with NMBI?

The NMBI website provides information on how to register for the first time, information for nurses who have trained overseas and the process to having your qualifications recognised in Ireland.

When can I apply for the programme?

Applications will open on the Tuesday 18th March until 12 noon Tuesday 8th April 2025.

Where can I apply? 

Apply via the link

Where will I undertake the programme?

The programme is delivered by the following HSE hospital groups and their academic partners. These include:

  • HSE West & North West: University Hospital Galway, Letterkenny University Hospital, Mayo University Hospital, Portiuncula University Hospital and Sligo University Hospital with University of Galway
  • HSE South South-West: Cork University Maternity Group with University College Cork
  • HSE Mid-West: University Maternity Hospital Limerick with University of Limerick
  • HSE Dublin and North East: Our Lady Of Lourdes Drogheda/Cavan General Hospital with Dundalk Institute of Technology

You will be asked to select your preferred site(s) at the time of application.

Do I need to pay fees for the programme?

No. Fees for the programme are sponsored and paid for by the Health Service Executive (HSE).

Do I receive a salary during the programme? 

Yes. You will receive a salary during both theory and clinical weeks. You will retain your current point on the staff nurse salary scale on entry to the programme (based on verified nursing service). Students will also retain their incremental credit (if applicable) during the programme.

How many hours per week is the programme? 

The working week is full time, 37.5 hours per week. College hours are as assigned with full attendance required.

What happens on completion of the programme? 

On successful completion of the programme you will be awarded a Higher Diploma in Midwifery at Level 8 National Qualification Authority of Ireland Framework and will be eligible for registration as a Midwife with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI).

Successful applicants for the sponsorship will be required to work for the sponsoring agency for a minimum of 18 months immediately following completion of the programme.

How can I prepare for the interview? 

It is important when preparing for a competency based interview to be able to demonstrate an example of the skills, competencies and knowledge listed in the Job Specification. These include:

  • Knowledge/Experience
  • Organisational & Management Skills
  • Building and Maintaining Relationships
  • Analysis, Problem Solving & Decision Making Skills
  • Communication & interpersonal skills.

It is also important to have a good understanding of the role of the midwife and the NMBI Standards and Requirements for the programme.

What opportunities are available when I qualify as a midwife? 

There are lots of career opportunities available for midwives such as community based roles including in lactation and post-natal support, specialist area of practice including perinatal mental health and bereavement and opportunities for advanced practice, management and educational pathways.