We want you to fill our Disability jobs - talk to us

We want you to join our teams of highly skilled professionals, working and learning together for the people and families who use our disability services.

Disability services are provided for people with disabilities and their carers.

These services include basic health services as well as assessment, rehabilitation, income maintenance, community care and residential care respite, home care and daycare.

Some services are provided directly by the HSE. Community, residential and rehabilitative training services are provided by voluntary organisations with grant aid from the HSE.

Click on the buttons below to see the available vacancies for your particular profession.

Speech and language therapist working with a young girl

We have a particular focus on filling jobs in Children’s Disability Network Teams.

Working with children and their families in the Children’s Disability Network Team (CDNT) will enable you to support their development, wellbeing, and participation in family and community life, as well as bringing together groups of children and their parents to learn new skills and share experiences

To learn more about the CDNT please click here

teenager reading a book with a health care professional

Physiotherapist Vacancies

OT Vacancies

SLT Vacancies

Dietitian Vacancies

Social Worker Vacancies

Psychologist Vacancies

The published vacancies are only a small section of disability jobs currently available.

Click here to see the full list of advertised jobs 

 We can alert you to all relevant jobs advertised on the HSE website by you registering your details with Career Hub by clicking here

Our funded organisations recruit directly, go to their websites to see their available jobs.

The National Federation of Voluntary Service Providers is an umbrella body of not-for-profit organisations providing supports to people with intellectual disabilities and autism in Ireland.  Visit www.disabilityjobs.ie to explore exciting job opportunities with member organisations throughout Ireland.