Are you looking for a rewarding career in Health & Social Care?

Intellectual disability nursing is based on the principles of human rights, equality, person-centeredness and empowerment.

These principles underpin the achievement of autonomy, active participation, inclusivity for the person and the delivery of quality life, health and social care. Registered Nurses Intellectual Disability (RNID) collaborate with the person with an intellectual disability, their family, advocates and members of the multi-professional and multi-agency teams to enable the person to live within their community.

RNIDs develop the requisite values, attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviours to facilitate and empower people with intellectual disabilities to exercise their human rights, make informed decisions and engage in their communities.

FREDA principles

Choose a Career in Intellectual Disability Nursing

The RNID programme provides students with an academic and professional qualification that is recognised around the world, making a difference to the lives of people with an intellectual disability.

Graduates work with individuals and groups with intellectual disabilities in the community and with families and other professionals. Intellectual disability nurses can gain employment in schools, respite services and supported employment agencies.

Graduate nurses often decide after they have gained some initial experience as an RNID to specialise and work with persons who have particular challenges such as complex needs, autism spectrum disorders, behaviour or mental health challenges. Many RNIDs also chose to enter careers in research, teaching, or management.

Find out more on the Intellectual Disability Nursing pathway here

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Let's hear from some of our staff

Intellectual Disability Nurses play a crucial role in improving the quality of life for an individual with an Intellectual Disability. Here are some colleagues offering their experiences of making a meaningful difference in the lives of the people we support.

  • Jade McFaul, Student Nurse in DKIT shared her enthusiasm with the Irish Independent about taking up her Nursing Degree in Intellectual Disability

Join them and support people with Intellectual Disability on their life journey.

a group of Intellectual Disability nurses

Don't miss out on these incredible opportunities to enhance your career

You will be supported to reach your full potential and progress in your chosen Intellectual Disability Nursing field.

Together we can all make a difference.

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