Our Services

The HSE provides public health and social care services to everyone living in Ireland. Our services are delivered to young and old, in hospitals, health facilities and communities across the country.

Healthcare in Ireland is undergoing a major transformation from the hospital-centred model of care to general practice, primary care and a community-based home-first service model. Come join us on this exciting journey.


The Sláintecare vision for Ireland is to have an integrated health system where a person, throughout their life, can access high-quality health care from valued healthcare professionals, closer to their home, within a reasonable amount of time.

When this new approach is fully embedded, we will have fully developed integrated care pathways between acute and community sectors, improved outcomes for patients, a more efficient health service and a better service for staff to work in.

Health Regions

Health Regions are a big part of achieving the Sláintecare vision. Acute Hospitals and Community Health Organisations will be grouped together into six large regions called Health Regions. In each Health Region services, resources, and governance will be co-ordinated around the needs of the patient across all care settings.

In the new integrated care model Enhanced Community Care will be at the centre of how we deliver healthcare. Health promotion and public health services will help people to live well at home to prevent sickness. This will assist our acute care services, treating people with urgent care needs, ensuring they have the shortest stay possible in hospital to get them well and back home.