Our People in University Hospital, Limerick

5 Minutes with Pedro Costa, Respiratory Physiologist

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How does your day start?

Hi everyone, my name is Pedro and I’m originally from Portugal. I work as a Respiratory Physiologist in the Pulmonary Function Unit at University Hospital Limerick, where we perform different tests on the lungs. I concluded my degree in Clinical Physiology in 2022 and moved to Ireland in March of 2023 and I’ve been enjoying it ever since. Outside of work, I tend to spend my time exercising, watching films, going for some walks and going out with friends! When I’m working, I usually get up at around 6.30am have some breakfast and get ready before heading out. I normally walk to and from work every day. I start work at 8am but I tend to always be a bit early to give me time to get dressed and calibrate our equipment.

What does your typical working day involve?

In our department, we perform a variety of different exams. On a typical day, I would perform our standard PFTs, or Pulmonary Function Tests, which include Spirometry, Diffusion Capacity (DLCO) and Lung Volumes. With PFTs we can assess the lung function of each patient to better diagnose and monitor breathing disorders such as asthma, COPD and more. On some patients we also perform bronchodilator response to observe any improvements in their breathing.

Aside from PFTs, we can perform Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Tests (CPET), where we observe exercise capacity and limitations and the response of the lungs and heart. It’s an excellent test to assess asthma induced with exercise, treat patients in need or that may need supplemental oxygen and it’s also done for pre-operative assessments. When performing CPET, we always have at least two physiologists in the lab to assure patient safety which also allows for a different dynamic with my colleagues.

We also perform Sleep Studies, or Polysomnography, which are tests used to diagnose sleep disorders, most notably Sleep Apnoea. It records the brain activity, oxygen level in the blood, heart rate and breathing during sleep, making it a very interesting and sought after test to perform as it gives plenty of information for different physiological systems.

Tell us about the team you work with.

When it comes to our team, I can say that I’m lucky to have such supportive colleagues working with me. Whenever I have queries about results or may not be familiar with a specific subject, I know I can count on them to help me out and educate me in a safe environment. It makes me feel very comfortable at work as my colleagues will always help me when I’m in need.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

My favourite part of the job is really the interaction with our patients. As these are lengthy tests to perform, we often spend a good amount of ‘one-on-one’ time with them. Our tests also require a lot of effort from patients which can be quite draining for them, so it’s important for us to both reassure and encourage them to try their best, while also making sure that the tests are being done correctly. This challenge motivates me, it makes our job more interesting as every patient comes in with their own story and we approach them all in a unique way. It’s also very enjoyable to me when these patients comeback and I can see the improvement in their quality of life!

What advice would you give someone considering joining Pulmonary Function Unit team at University Hospital Limerick?

If anyone is considering joining us, know that it’s a great place to start off or progress your career. It’s an incredibly rewarding job because you will help make a difference in people’s lives, as our work influences their treatment, medication and management of respiratory conditions. There are plenty of educational opportunities, such as classes and workshops, to help improve your knowledge and we also have good working hours which allow us to have a proper work-life balance, as we all have to take care of ourselves to provide better care for our patients!