
All doctors have to register with the Irish Medical Council before they can work in Ireland. Depending on where you trained and gained your experience, there are different routes on how you apply for registration with the Irish Medical Council.

See to check for your eligibility to register.

Doctors in a team huddle

Nurses and midwives

The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) maintains the Register of Nurses and Midwifes in Ireland. All nurses and midwives have to register with NMBI before they can work in Ireland.

The HSE cannot employ a regulated health profession to practice in Ireland without appropriate registration.  The relevant regulator is the authority for registration and recognition of qualification.

Depending on where you qualified, you may need to undertake a period of adaptation and assessment also known as the ‘Adaptation Programme’, or undertake the Royal College of Surgeons for Ireland (RCSI) Aptitude Test, before you can be fully registered with the NMBI.

Visit to find out about the process for applying for registration.

Nurse talking on a phone

Health and social care professionals

CORU is the regulator for health and social care professionals. If you are a member of the following professions, you are required to register with CORU: Dietitians, Dispensing Opticians, Medical Scientists, Occupational Therapists, Optometrists, Physical Therapists, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists, Radiographers, Radiation Therapists, Social Workers, Speech and Language Therapists. This list of professions regulated by CORU will expand over time.

An applicant for recognition of professional qualifications must meet the standards of proficiency in order to be considered a safe and effective practitioner. Click here for guidance on how to apply to undertake a period of adaptation as part of the process for recognition of professional qualifications.

Click here for specific information for internationally-trained applicants seeking registration.

Physiotherapist with a patient

Professional bodies

A number of other careers are regulated by their own professional bodies. For example:

social worker with a client