Public Health / Community Nursing Teams

One of the main aims of Sláintecare is for people to stay healthy in their own homes and communities for longer. We are doing this by developing and improving primary and community care. This is the care people can receive without having to go to hospital.

Public Health Nursing and Community Nursing Teams provide vital care either in or close to people’s homes. With their leadership, clinical skills, and experience, these important teams empower patients to manage longer-term health conditions while promoting their independence. This type of nursing care can help reduce hospital admissions and enable earlier discharges.

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What do Public Health Nursing / Community Nursing Teams look like?

The Public Health Nursing service and Community Nursing teams deliver comprehensive care and support to families in various settings, reflecting Slaintecare’s goal of shifting from hospital-based to community-based care.

Public Health Nursing / Community Nursing teams include a broad spectrum of roles beyond the hospital setting, which focuses on delivering the right care at the right place and time. This has opened up significant opportunities for professional growth in the field of community nursing.

Some of the principal roles in Public Health Nursing/Community Nursing are:

* Public Health Nurse (PHN)
* Staff Nurse General (Community)
* Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP)
* Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)

Razick sitting down

How are teams made up?

Public Health Nurses have scope within their practice to be innovative in meeting the identified needs of patients, families and communities across the life cycle and within the wider multidisciplinary team.

Public Health Nurses work with Registered General Nurses (RGNs) in teams to assess, plan and implement nursing care in the home and clinic environment. Team members can also include Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS), registered nurses who have expanded their role and developed specialist knowledge and Advanced Nurse Practitioners, nurses who achieved a qualification in Advanced Practice Nursing.

And now, let’s hear from our experts:

Clodagh Brackett, Student Public Health Nurse
Razick Fareth Thomas, Staff Nurse General (Community)
Áine Walton, Staff Nurse General (Community)
Gemma Donegan, Public Health Nurse
Sasikala Velappan, Clinical Nurse Specialist
Felicity McFadden, Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Katie Holohan, Assistant Director of Public Health Nursing

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Don’t miss out

If you would like to work in Public Health Nursing / Community Nursing teams based all over the country keep an eye out for opportunities by regularly visiting our careers page on HSE Jobs

To find out about Student PHN Sponsorship Postgraduate Programme please click here or check our latest webinar.

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